Monday, 6 August 2012

If we're offending you please feel free to put a blanket over your head...

BFF #5: Remarkably, your breasts will only produce as much milk as your baby needs, no more and no less. When you start breastfeeding, your breasts will start producing more milk, but as feedings slow down, your body just naturally stops producing it. Magic!

I have never been afraid to nurse in public, right from the word go. I think it is due to super support from my husband and family and to thinking about it logically - baby needs food, feed baby.
I understand that some women do not feel comfortable feeding in public, something which is not made easier when people make comments like "why do you have to flop 'em out here"...and other such charming "tit" related comments. Please at least say breast or boob even and make yourself sound a tad more classy. Anyway...I digress.
I am always discreet about it but never hide. No blankets here thank you! More trouble than it's worth if you ask me. But that's me.

having a "coffee" out with Nana

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