Monday, 2 July 2012

Punk Rock pants...

Made these pants for Maggie (or Magger, as Elanor has taken to calling her!) yesterday morning and I am totally in love with them. So much so that I am tempted to do some in my size.I can be the friendly neighbourhood zany Mama!

wow...really not that good a photo...sozbowdit!
I also printed that awesome bicycle on the onesie. Bicycle joy! Something else from last week is this little peasant dress from a fat man's t-shirt that had inappropriate stuff about beavers on it - I'll let you work that one out! But I did keep the part that says "the fun begins"...cute!

I am slowly beginning to get back into things and am finding snippets of time to play around - hurrah! But fr now I'm off to snuggle up on the couch with my's raining outside and I've been craving me some Lion King. Turrah...

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