Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Breastfeeding week...

1st to 7th of August is Worldwide Breastfeeding Week, so I figured a shot a day of the little one at boob wouldn't go amiss... accompanied by some breastfeeding fun facts and some stories from the milky pirates of this household.

BFF#1:  Breastfed baby poo stinks less than formula fed baby poo - that's gotta be a plus!

this is how feeding is for us most of the day at the moment...Elanor has to get amongst the action...

Maggie is a great feeder, Jason calls her the BoobHound! If she is in his arms and I come in close enough for her to smell or see she'll wriggle and wriggle in my direction until he relinquishes her. Kind of have to feel sorry for Dadas but hey. get some boobs and make some tasty milk...then we'll talk.

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