Sunday, 10 June 2012

Daddy's old tshirt = cute singlet dress

Those of you who know my husband may well rcognise this chewbacca tshirt. It had been a favourite for a good few years but over the last couple it has become a little...ahem...snug, and just generally worn out. He was going to send it to the sallies; "heck no!" cried I (clearly he doesn't know how hard it is to find star wars related clothes for 2 year old girls...!!) and here is Elanor's new singlet dress.

Elanor is a terrible model. She cannot stand still.

But you get the general gist...
Also, that is felt pen on her legs in the first shot. She has a strange fascination to drawing on herself then saying "pretty, like Daddy".



  1. Very cool upcycling. And yup, Otto is also constantly tattooing - himself and others- even though there aren't half any many tattoos in our house as in yours! We're hoping he continues and is still doing it as an adult, free tattoos ahoy!

  2. Having a child that was a tattoo artist would go down quite well here too! day. Although if they're anything like the ones she does now which resemble mostly dots and huge patches of colour (scrubbed in very hard) I'm not so sure.
