Monday, 13 January 2014


I was looking back through old posts from 2012 and found the ones about the no-cry sleep solution. As you can tell from my almost forgetting that it ever happened, it didn't go too well. And here we almost 2 years old, waking every two hours in the night for a boob. It doesn't bother me all that much - I've become used to functioning on such little sleep, mostly - but baby number 3 is never going to come along with such frequent night nursings. Not so much the finding the time or being too tired for the party but more the physiological luteal phase/cycle related things...
And so, we've turned to Dr Jay Gordon's changing sleep patterns in the family bed. By all accounts it seems to be gentle but also effective. We'll see.
I think, before we disliked the frequent waking but not so much that we were willing to make it worse to make it better. Now we're ready. We're ready to get her back to sleep in other ways and while it may take longer (and be louder) at first *hopefully* after that it'll get better. Right?
The basic gist as I understand it is for 3 nights, between 11pm and 6am, you give them a short feed but take them off before they're asleep and just cuddle until they are. The next 3 nights you miss out the feeding part and just go straight to the cuddling (this is the part I am DREADING). Then the next 4 nights you talk and touch/rub/pat but as minimal as possible.
I really want to continue feeding during the day and outside those 7 hours so this seems to be a good plan for us at the moment.
I am nervous but hopeful and prepared to be even more exhausted for the next little while.

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