Monday, 1 October 2012

no-cry sleep solution update...

I was going to do an update yesterday morning but after the cussing awful sleep Sunday night, I thought I'd wait!
It is going quite well, I guess. We are down to waking every 3 hours now so about 3 times a night. I must say it was hard at first, not feeding her every time she woke but then I realized she wasn't actually hungry because she went (almost) straight back to sleep after a cuddle or a pat.
I am guilty of, if she doesn't go straight back to sleep, giving in and feeding her back to sleep. Which must be fine with me because I'm doing it - if that makes sense.

So for now...this is good.
We truly were spoilt with the first babe sleep-wise. We were thinking the other day that when Elanor was about this age we went to our friends' wedding...and someone else fed her a bottle of expressed milk and put her to bed for the night. Craziness! Not so with this one...and apart from the tiredness, I don't mind all tht much that she seems to need me a little bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Baby steps, aye? These babies just be some neeeedy little folk.
